Tuesday, December 17, 2013


This blog may evolve over time but for now, I'd like it to include all the amazing adventures we go on as a family and the ways we learn at home.

I often find myself searching for motivation and ideas for general home learning but also for places to travel to, both near and far.

I have found that adventures to Gettysburg, Williamsburg, Washington, DC, beaches of NH and NC, Erie Canal Museum in Syracuse, NY, Historical downtown Philadelphia and more have offered my children a whole world of experience that can't be gained through memorization or reading a book.  The personal travel experience is priceless which allows our family to learn together through adventure.

This school year we have been focusing mainly on Dissecting, Civics, Art & Writing.  Throughout this blog I hope to pass ideas, suggestions, and encouragement onto you and your family as you home school, choose curriculum and look for ideas.  I would also love to hear from you in return with your reflection and experiences.

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