Monday, December 23, 2013

Clue #3 - Emerald Adventure

The girl's couldn't guess from this clue that we were going Emerald Mining.  Could you have?
It was fun anyway, it made them all think and they made lots of guesses.

We drove for a short ride today to Hiddenite, NC where we went gem mining. 
Siera really wanted to find an Amethyst, she did.  Hana found a great piece of Emerald.  It was lots of fun.  We all have quite a collection.  Rubies, Garnets, Sapphires, Moonstone, Quartz Crystals, Rose Quartz, Emerald, Mica and many others.

Here's some pictures of our adventure.  This was an affordable adventure.  We could have spent more but were happy with our $5 buckets.  The rain stopped for our gem sluicing. 

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